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Your app for men's health

A completely free science-based program in the app featuring special exercises, personalized health tips, and more.

Men's wellness program, personalized for you

There isn't a single man out there in the world that is completely identical to you. Therefore, there can't be just a single effective way to support and improve men's health. We are aware of that, so the manlee® app is there for you with a personalized program featuring quick special exercises like Sumo Squats or Kegels, health and food tips, and more.


Short tips to build healthy habits

To support and improve men’s health, it is essential to know what kind of lifestyle helps increase testosterone levels, what lowers libido, which foods are healthy and which are toxic, how sleep affects performance in bed, and more.


Quick masterclasses about men's health

In short videos, you will learn about essential foods for men, why healthy weight is critical for the male body, the best foods to improve your sleep and mood, mindful eating, foods promoting longevity, and much more.


Guided special exercises for men's health

From Kegel exercises to Sumo Squats: all exercises are well-guided and on average 4-5 minutes long. These exercises strengthen pelvic floor muscles, increase blood flow, and help boost testosterone naturally.


Kegel exercises focused on the pelvic floor

You can do these exercises anywhere, even while stuck in traffic or waiting in line for coffee. Kegels help strengthen pelvic floor muscles and boost blood flow, which is great for men's health and performance in bed.


Breathing sessions and meditations to manage stress

Stress has one of the most powerful, negative impacts on men's health. With the help of short and well-guided sessions, you will control feelings and thoughts better to manage stress and protect men's health.


Vitamin reminder helps you stay on track with your multivitamin

You'll stay consistent with your vitamin intake, making it a daily habit. You can set a reminder in the app at any convenient time, and you'll never forget to take your vitamins.


Don't hesitate to ask support regarding your program

Feel free to reach out to our team of experts in nutrition, healthy lifestyle, and men's health to get answers to any questions you may have about Men's Complex or your personalized program.


Explore men's health with hundreds of short reads

Learn how to get the most benefits out of sleep, build a morning routine, why meditate, what foods boost testosterone levels, and much more.


Discuss wellness topics in chats with the community

Feel free to share your health concerns, ask questions, explore helpful tips, and get support from our global community through the chats.

Time to support men's health


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